beVermont is the independent classified ad system focused on Vermont state and neighbor states' areas. It is independent and so not dependent or owned by a media companies, it runs by and is owned in Vermont. We focus on the state of Vermont and include also all neighboring counties of neighboring states and Quebec.
General Info
Account and Placing Ads
Ads Info
See also pages with Towns and Counties we serve and what Categories we offer.
beVermont is the independent classified ad system focused on Vermont state and neighboring states' counties. 27 counties and 585 towns. It is independent and so not dependent or owned by a media company. It runs by and is owned in Vermont.
Anyone who wants to sell an item or is looking for an item to buy has several options. Talk to friends and neighbors is usually a great start. Family members are there too. Then comes the typical option of creating some classifieds and placing them to the usual places, such as local newspapers and magazines. Many people also try or test online classified options.
beVermont is the online classified place focused on Vermont and neighboring states' counties. And it is focused only at that, classifieds and our area. We don't try to access 190 countries or our 50 states as others do. We don't print articles to read, we don't sell large display ads to pay for our costs. We also don't try to expand to places we don't call our home. We maintain system for classified ads and that's where our focus lies. This may be boring for some, but for folks that need to run solid ad to solid audience, it is close to perfect.
Reading beVermont or posting your ad is free of charge. And our potential readership counts to everybody in Vermont and neighboring counties. We of course admire newspapers that achieved 10 or 20 thousand people to buy their print. Out of which some percentage also takes a look at their classifieds. Limited number of readers, much more limited number of classifieds readers, but they are part of tradition and also times when we could not use computers and internet.
When you place your ad at the local paper that prints 10,000 copies and they assume 3 to 5% also read classifieds section, your ad may be seen by 300 to 500 people. Folks from the area of this paper and in Vermont that means some city and its neighboring towns. Most read the paper, classifieds are there just for minority.
beVermont prints nothing, it is run simply online. The advantage is in numbers. Our possible readers in Vermont are its population minus small kids and folks bothered with reading. So Vermont minus kids? 15% of people are younger than 15 years of age, some may have trouble with computers or reading – let's say 20% of population can't use beVermont. But 80% can and that in Vermont is about 520,000 people. That's our audience and audience of our users who post their ads.
Half a million people is quite a number even for our very good servers, but we are ready for that and for much more and we planned for it. So many people live in Vermont's 14 counties, but our focus is 27 counties. 14 in Vermont and 13 bordering in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York and Quebec (regions). Total population? Not exactly sure, but probably close to 3 million.
Will every one of them check beVermont daily or weekly? Wow! We would have some new problems with servers, software etc. But if we reach low single percentage digits, say 3% for example, then we may be visited by 90,000 people. And that's 90k of folks looking to see classifieds and not how did the game go last night. Or what's on TV today. Yes, beVermont sounds like a very simple project, but in this case simple is good. We focus on close geo area and we focus on classified ads.
Advantages are so many that we try to keep a separate page for them.
We have already mentioned that our concentration is towards classifieds, people who post them and people who read them. We do not print as papers do, we do not write stories, we are also no radio or TV station. We offer ads and with all of you it should be a place that will work for all of you.
Yes, ads, Vermont and neighbors, free of charge, online. But what if it becomes successful, how will people find your ad? It will take a few minutes of learning, but of course it is very easy. If it's not, what's the point? When you visit beVermont, you will notice list of ads right from the start. There they are sorted based on time when they were placed. That's fine, but the busiest ad categories might be the ones you are not interested in. Employment, Dating, Cars … But our system was built to make almost everybody happy and to have easy work to look for whatever you're looking for.
beVermont includes almost 200 categories, every ad can be included in 3 of them. Every ad also has title to catch your attention and then its main content text. It is nice to read through the description, but it would be tough to read through 500 ads. For that we have categories, you can only browse through a single category. And if that is too much, you can also use search and look for anything that interests you. Looking for some apple trees? Search for apple! Looking for new skates? Search for skate or ice or hockey.
Why should you try to use beVermont? When you add all features of this system together, it's because it works well, because it covers all interests, because it will be at home in all areas in Vermont and around VT. And because mistakes can happen, but we are ready to tackle them, make changes to improve beVermont, listen to you for suggestions. beVermont has been developed for all of us and it will also be maintained for all of us.
Account is not complicated create and to have. It's there to keep it easy to handle and safe, it is built to last.
Yes, your account keeps your real first and last names, but ads and public pages will not use them unless you ask them to. This is where username comes very handy. Each ad has it included by default. If you choose it close to your name, sure you can, if you create one different, it's fine too. For example if your name is John Smart and create username JSmart, it's great, but difficult to hide. If you choose username KayakMan, it works great and hides your name as well.
One major features are your username and also your password. Username can be from 5 to 16 characters long. To safely access your account, you also need to remember your password. And if you choose, it can be up to 20 characters long (tough to remember). It can also use letters and numbers, just no spaces. Best and safest passwords based on very smart people are random letters and numbers together, so for example this HdyU78kJhOp and this ttteEe8jD3wW are random and therefore very safe. Tough to remember though. So other options, that may be less secure, but easier to remember, could be jacksoN, johNson, mikeY78. Mix of letters, numbers and difference in capitalization.
When you add your email address, you will know how important it is to have it included and be correct. This operation could not run without email addresses, it is critical to have such simple way to talk to you, to access you, to notify you of any updates, any news related to your ads, and more. We sometimes verify that your email address is correct and functional.
Anyone can place ad or several ads. Focus is on Vermont and all neighboring counties of neighboring states and Quebec. We have close to 200 ad categories, each ad can be placed to 1, 2 or 3 of them - as long as it is appropriate. If you offer to sell soccer ball, don't put it to cars or vehicles.
Every ad shows its author's username, the date it was posted, category or categories and its location with town, county and state. And of course it shows the way author can be contacted. Author can always choose what they wish to keep public and what not.
We could go into million details, but the fact is when you are ready to place one ad, you will be done in a few minutes and need no help.
beVermont is very new and fresh and while it costs quite a bit to run and operate it and keep everyone happy, ads placed on beVermont cost nothing and are free of charge.
Certain ad categories won't be free forever, but when it happens, we will make it very inexpensive so it should pay off. We would like to keep the price so low, that nobody will have to hesitate to post an ad. We focus on solid classified ad system, good safe and fast software and massive efficiency – also to keep it all inexpensive to all of us.
Yes, we all like free ads. We offer space for very large number of ads and categories and locations and to have it all for free would make a really good sense. But ... this system costs us quite a number and it needs maintenance and service. It's good to earn some money back, we need to live and eat. And for many other reasons. But for some time we will keep it free for all users.
Ads now cost zero dollars. If you post one ad or 50 ads, the price will be the same. Ads typically run for up to 3 weeks and if you wish to add more time, it is also easy to do.
When you open beVermont account, one of the questions to answer is whether your account is personal or for business. Based on your answer there will be almost no difference. You can post your ads in all categories, you can select dates for which to run it and more.
So the difference? Nothing, just to keep statistics. And price is same too. For example if you advertise mobile home for sale, it will be free of charge for personal ad, and zero for business.
Some ads are personal and others are business ads. Both are allowed and encouraged, we think both are important. We support classified ads by folks, friends, neighbors, but we also encourage businesses to post their ads in the same classified ad center. We often hear that business ads are not allowed for multiple reasons, but most of the reasons make little sense.
Categories for ads have been developed to keep it all very well organized and easy to browse and search. Imagine that the system would have 1 category and became popular, so you would have to browse through the total of 5,000 ads. The car you were looking for was at the ad number 3,756. What would be the chance you would find it there? With our categories that same ad would be placed into category Cars, Vehicles and Cars & Parts. If you were looking for car, that would be your first click and the cars are in front of you.
And if you don't like browsing thru categories, just type “Mercedes” to search box and hit Enter.
Every user of beVermont can complete registration and is then ready to post ads. If they choose to, their ads can include their geo location within our area. For example that ad can include words “Essex Junction, Vermont”. Some users may choose not to use this feature, it may be for more value of privacy, and it can work for most cases. Sometimes the sale will go better when location is posted, for example in real estate category. But if you prefer, you can keep the location hidden.
Every ad includes From and To dates. When ad is moved to Live section and is ready to become public, it will only be public when its dates cover the current date. If it is February 11 and your ad has a from date February 6 and to date February 20, it is right now public and available to all readers. As long as this ad is in Live section and not in Draft or Archive.
Every ad has the date to run from and the date to run until. All ads are running for 3 weeks by default. But author can always shut their ad down or add some more time if needed. System will remind them close to expiration date that they can do this.
Ads at beVermont have three different types. They can belong to Draft or Live or Archive section. When you prepare your ad and are finished, click the Save button and it will be saved – to Draft section. It is not public, it's just for you, the first step. Feel free to keep it there, edit it as needed or even delete it. But most Draft ads will be moved to Live section. That same ad moves to become public and available to all readers. When ad reaches its To date, it will be moved to Archive section. It's not public and available only for you. You can also move your Live ads to Archive with a click of a button.
Standard methods of contact - email, phone or address - can be available, but author can choose a differen method and include it within ad's content text. We do not automatically post author's address and town or city or phone or email, we post it only if author chooses to. Email address also has 2 options. Either author chooses to post their address or they choose Private Email. Same function, they will receive any emails addressed via Private Email, but their actual email address will be hidden. Ease of contact is important, but so is privacy.
Just to cover all possible questions. Start at and click Ads button. You have just entered classified ads and it's time to look around. You can simply browse using Prev and Next links. You can click on location link to limit the results based on location. And click county and town buttons to get even closer. Another important option are categories. Choose your favorite and you are there. Also notice that main categories also include sub-categories to get more detail. Finally it's often good to use search box to look for something very specific. Looking for a car and have a favorite brand on mind? Search for BMW and see if you get any.
Classified ads for Vermont & neighboring counties. Access for everybody with web browser, covering 27 counties and 585 towns. Games and pets but also employment, cars, real estate and whatever you wish to sell. Or buy!
beVermont is free of charge, no fee is required for posting ads or browsing or contacting others found here. It can help you and it can help others.
If you can, please support beVermont, every dollar counts - thank you! Your help helps us , it helps everybody else and beVermont.
Some account values are optional. They could be handy, but they can be also private issues. We would like to have your address and phone number, but they are not necessary. City and county and country are important for every visitor, so we need them. Privacy is important, we all know that, but it is also very important to be easy to contact, especially when you offer something for sale.