beVermont - buy and sale from people you like!

Freebies, Sheep, Notices, Anniversaries, Heavy Equipment, Volunteers, Trucks ...

beVermont Classifieds

Your ads are available to almost 3 million people in 585 towns and 27 counties.
Always at no charge.

Welcome or good to see you again! Below are the latest live ads. If you like one, click it and you will learn more. You will also see how you can contact ad's author. If you enjoy ad's category, click on it and see more in that category. Good luck and we hope beVermont will work for you!

Letter from beVermont to every Vermonter (PDF)

Random note: we reach 585 towns in 27 counties.

If you're new here, please click to register and post some ads! We are home in 27 counties and 585 towns including ElizabethArray (Essex)! Or learn more of what is beVermont about, about our advantages and how we can help you. Welcome!

Share beVermont with your Vermont friends and have fun! Classifieds work better with more people so spread the word. Thanks!

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Lastest Welcome Ads (but better list is here)

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If you wish to place your ad, it's really easy. Click Log In at the top, set up your account, post your ad and that's it! Btw, you can post more ads than one!

Your First Time? Introduction!

Most Important Is This

Why Should We Use beVermont?If you know beVermont, like it and its idea, please don't keep it just to yourself. Share it with your friends, classmates, coworkers, everybody here in Vermont. Tell them, text them, email them - more people will make beVermont work much better for all of us.

Introducing beVermont

Hi, hello, good day, and bonjour! And thanks for stopping by. We would like to introduce beVermont and we hope you will find it helpful. Yes, you can bookmark it!

What Is It?

beVermont is an independent classified ad system focused on Vermont and neighboring states' counties. 27 counties and 585 towns is what we like to call beVermont's home.

What To Do

If this is your first time here, perhaps this introduction can help you. But if you wish to jump in right away, try these links:

How Do I Use It?

Everybody with internet access has access to beVermont. Everybody can read it, search it, browse or post classified ads. It's fast, easy, it's built for a huge audience and for now it costs you nothing.

How Much Is It?

We decided that to get us started and have the entire audience happy, we will charge nothing. Reading beVermont or posting your ads is free of charge.

beVermont Vermont Classifieds

It has not been cheap to build and test it and we expect the maintenance to be daily and complex business. But we also decided to put beVermont in place at no charge for all users. Readers of course, but placing your ads has no fee either. Personal or business - same. The main point is to make it to serve all people who will find it helpful, who will find it simple and easy to use and also important for themselves or for their businesses.

Where Are You Located?

beVermont AreabeVermont has numerous features, some very sophisticated, most fast and it is built with secure software. And it all has been built in Vermont and with capability to satisfy our entire area. We are not Tokyo or New York City, but Vermont and nearest states' counties almost add up to 3 million people. beVermont has been developed to handle all of us and keep everybody happy and satisfied.

Who Is This For?

beVermont is new and young and it will grow. Grow and learn since nobody's always perfect. It will be only as good and helpful as the number of truly honestly interested people or businesses that will make it part of their lives or businesses. It is truly for everybody. And it is out job to make it work for you as best as we can.

Vermont on beVermont is gorgeous!

We will always propose to readers or advertisers to suggest to their friends, families, classmates, coworkers, neighbors to try to use beVermont. Start is challenging, but beVermont will get better when it reaches more people plus it will also get better for you and for them. There is nothing selfish here – if the project works for more people then it is good for all of them. Start of beVermont is a massive challenge for us and our users, but when we get more obvious to more people, we will not get worse as overcrowded supermarket, but we will get better with more people finding what they were looking for.

So How Do I Place My Ad?

Simple. Ads can be posted only by registered users, so at first please get registered. Click Log In and Register Your New Account. When you are reistered and it only takes a minute, log in and click on Prepare Ad. Prep Page will open up, you can complete its title and text, assign it to category, choose your contact options and you are done. Click Save This Ad button to save your ad. This will save it to Draft Ad Section, it is not yet public, it is only for you. You can keep it there, edit it whenever you wish or even delete it if you change your mind. And of course it can go live - just click Move Ad To Live button and it will be public in that same second.

beVermont Vermont Classifieds Advantages

Anyone can place ad or several ads. We focus on Vermont and all neighboring counties of neighboring states and Quebec. We have close to 200 ad categories, each ad can be placed to 1, 2 or 3 of them - as long as it is a good fit. If you offer to sell soccer ball, don't put it to cars or vehicles.

Every ad shows its author's username, the date it was posted, category or categories and its town, county and state location. And of course it shows the way author can be contacted. Authors can always choose what they wish to keep public and what not.

I Have Some Questions ...

Who doesn't. Thank you, please contact us and we will answer your questions as best as we can. Contact button is on top of every page of beVermont.

beVermont Vermont Classifieds Advantages

Classifieds Are Great, But What About Newspapers?

We are not into competitive business. We built beVermont to make it work well and whether it works better than newspapers is just a question. We have many advantages, such as focus on larger area and more people, we are fast, ads are bigger, last longer and can always be updated if needed. We try hard to be very fair to all of us. Example?

If you print newspaper and have managed to gain 20,000 readers, congratulations, it's very impressive number. At beVermont everybody reads classifieds, that's all we offer. If we ever get 10,000 visitors, we get 10,000 people interested in classifieds. Average newspapers estimate that classifieds are of interest to about 3 to 5% of their readers. If you place your ad in the local paper with 20,000 readers, it is safe to estimate that your ad may be seen by about 600 to 1,000 readers. It's a good count, just don't expect 20,000. And it takes some effort to create your ad plus some money to pay for it. If you place your ad on beVermont and it has only 500 visitors, that's 500 ad readers.

About beVermont Vermont Classifieds Advantages

What About Other Online Classifieds?

Yes, there are other places online for classifieds. And most of them are very large and powerful, often run by massive companies and trying to reach more than just town or state. Typical effort is to cover more than just one country, they put a lot into covering entire world. Impressive and huge challenge.

We decided we would rather stay at home and make it work very well for people here. When you advertise on large online classifieds place, you will very likely get successful when you come from a large town or place or offer something very unique so you can stand out. Otherewise you may get lost. beVermont is focused on our home area and it will make almost no difference whether you come from Burlington or Starksboro or Sunderland. You won't get many buyers from China or Hungary, but we thought that might be just fine.

beVermont covers areas of Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York and Quebec. 585 towns in 27 counties. Main categories are Matrimonial, Dating, Jobs, Employment, Small Employment, Property, Real Estate, Rentals, Cars, Vehicles, Anything For Sale with 32 sub-categories, Animals, Farms, Garden, General Business, Services, Auctions & Antiques, Announcements, Community and Education. Main cats have several sub-cats each, all add up to 169.

beVermont is kept very efficient and inexpensive. If it costs too much, what's the point? Popularity depends on people who happily use it to sell, to buy, to trade. Without folks it wouldn't work. Without fast and productive software it wouldn't work either.

If you enjoy using beVermont, you can help make it better - just share it with all your friends, relatives, coworkers. Send them emails and tell them to share it with others! Need help? Ask us!

beVermont - AMByte Software - Vermont - USA

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